Friday 16 October 2009

A state to enter

Look, it’s always a dangerous state

- exuberance –

a place that leads to Falls, especially

when others might be watching; brothers,

sisters, fathers,

mothers. I predict they might laugh

loudly at you - like any cynic -

but on bright

days when the sun winks, let it out.


  1. This one has been kicking around in my head for weeks. Exuberance, yes, the joy & delight in life. It IS in this state that I tend to make an absolute fool of myself, I guess we all do. And it is in this state that we may come closest to a celebration of life & God. Yes, yes, when the sun winks, let it out. Keep Going

  2. you just can't hold that exuberance back if you are really lving. thanks for reminding us to live

  3. Exuberance is often these days out of my grasp, but staring into mortality's awful maw, the need for grasping for life, no matter what may come, is ever profound.

  4. Wonderful! A beautifully written poem. Being short and concise is perfect and powerful.

  5. I really enjoyed this poem!

  6. I enjoyed the minimalist form and moving language of this beautiful poem. Best wishes to you. Clara

  7. So true. Like the bit about 'Falls', often caused by the sceptical and envious.....
