Saturday, 7 May 2011

Andrew & Chocolate

He teaches what no-one else taught;

when food enters and tingles

your tongue, stop,

focus into that little place where

sugar hits a lovely spot

and your own heat melts chocolate.

A simple trick is to close-down eyes

and notice you’re between tongue and food,

actually there, feeling uncommonly sweet.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Water Colours

in the sea…

blue is for humble,

yellow is vibrant,

purple is mystic,

green stands for healer,

red is for angry,

orange is mental,

pink stands for spirit,

pitch black - the void space;

white stands for peace.

Crown cresting, crash waving,

churn sanding, turn topping,

thump landing, serenely

off-off – (turn) - come in.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


before the sun

terrific birds

commemorate today

- repeating and repeating

but I can’t sleep

with an ache in my ribs

where my heart used to be

- now - a void.

Challenge vibrates everywhere,

birth, old age, teenagers

obeying only one ancient rule

‘test the rules’

on, on and on

and, look, here comes the sun.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Something and Nothing

Not too often

in the give and take

(thrust and cut)

hard-hard ride, will I soften

sit down or lay

- on a little sofa -

knowing today, another day,

my ride is almost over

but outside a bike waits,

saddle and handlebars,

rotating spokes and gears

reminding me when I mount and turn my feet

- pedal on into the North -

a new green mountain heaves in view. In hope.