Saturday, 15 October 2011

The Beatles

What can I say?
What can I do?
Swirling the maelstrom
of an inside-out pop song.
What should I think?

What do I feel?

Love, lurv, luv!
Switch on the amp,
no place to hide,
speakers thump, thump;
I’m satisfied.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

North Star

North star
takes a ship home,
like a word
steers a mob
toward sense.
But stop!

cartels are bad
in a modern economy
and spies are searching
for any uprising.

Best to read the labels;
believe in headlines,
sell-by dates

until you open a door,
break into the courtyard

of your own little starlight reality.

Monday, 10 October 2011


We play the card game UNO
with Andrew:
UNO meaning ‘one’;
a card alone – the ‘last one’

but he has never voiced that word
out loud
saying UNOS – meaning ‘we’
from his first game

and, if like him, you rely on mates
to get you through today
(as you do)
wouldn’t you?

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Outside a church, one
kitten with a blinded eye
spits on its paw, rubs.